

Best Child Psychologists in Calicut

Learning disability and child counseling

Learning disabilities can be due to genetic and or neurobiological factors that alter brain function in a way that affects one or more learning processes related to learning. These processing problems can interfere with learning basic skills such as reading (also known as Dyslexia in medical terms), writing (also known as Dysgraphia in medical terms), and math (also known as Dyscalculia in medical terms). However, all these are related to children. But, that doesn’t mean that adults do not suffer from learning disabilities. In the case of adults, it can also disrupt high-level skills such as planning, timing, vague thinking, long-term or short-term memory, and attention. It is important to note that learning disabilities can affect a person’s life outside of education and can affect their relationships with family, friends, and work. In fact, learning disabilities are manageable and remediable with early intervention and support in the education system, there for it can be managed and a child or person can succeed in school and in all aspects of life.
Parents, teachers, and special educators can help children and adults with learning disabilities to achieve such success by encouraging their strengths, recognizing their limitations, building on their talents, and teaching them to become independent. However, in most cases, parents and teachers fail to help a child or person with learning disabilities. This is where a child counselor and child development center steps in. And the REEF Wellness Centre, Calicut can be a one-stop solution to help you the best.

Types of learning disabilities

“Learning Disability” is an “umbrella term” that describes many other, disabilities indirect learning, such as dyslexia and dysgraphia. Surf down to know some common learning disabilities.
  • Dyscalculia
  • Dysgraphia
  • Dyslexia
  • Speechless Speech Disorders
  • Oral / Written Language Disorders and Direct Lack of Understanding
Apart from these, there are some other disabilities that can cause trouble in the learning ability of a person or child. These are called Developmental Disorders, which may affect persons learning skills in one way or the other. They are:
  • ADHD
  • ADD
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
Among these learning disabilities, dyslexia can be the most common learning disability that most children and adults face. Dyslexia is characterized by a lack of accurate and fluent word recognition. People with dyslexia often have a deficit in sound and sound awareness, which refers to the ability to hear, identify and decipher the sounds of a spoken word, including fonts, syllables, prefixes, and rhymes. People with dyslexia may also have paralysis of the writing process, which disrupts connecting letters and combinations of letters and sounds accurately and fluently. When coming to Dysgraphia; those with dysgraphia have difficulty turning their thoughts into writing or drawing. Wrong handwriting is a sign of dysgraphia but far from the end of the sign. Victims find it difficult to translate their thoughts into writing, regardless of spelling, grammar, vocabulary, critical thinking, or memory. Dyscalculia can cause trouble in solving mathematical calculations. Individuals with this LD face struggle with mathematical concepts, numbers, and reasoning.
While coming to developmental disorders, it does not affect a person’s ability to learn a specific skill directly. ADD is a commonly used term to describe symptoms of inattention, confusion, and dysfunctional memory. ADHD is a term used to describe additional symptoms of restlessness and mood swings. Both are included in the clinical diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. ADHD is one of the most common developmental disorders in childhood. It is usually found first in childhood and usually continues into adulthood. Children with ADHD may have difficulty concentrating, controlling unpredictable behaviors (they may do so without thinking about the consequences), or overwork.

Learning difficulties faced by students in the classroom

Dyslexia and Dysgraphia can be the most prominent learning disorder that a student can face in the classroom. Dyslexia can be treated with some teaching methods and techniques, and the sooner the intervention starts, the better. Psychological testing will help your child’s teachers to develop an appropriate teaching program. Teachers can use techniques that include hearing, sight, and touch to improve reading skills. Helping a child to use several senses to read – for example, listening to a recorded lesson and finger-tracking the structure of the letters and spoken words – can help to process information. What if some expert advice is required? Consulting a child psychologist or pediatric psychologist can be a go-to expert advice option.
To compare your child with the correct dyslexia program, a doctor or pediatric psychologist will perform a learning disability assessment to see how well he or she is reading and writing. An academic psychologist may also perform these tests to determine if their learning disabilities are caused by problems such as depression or ADHD. Once you have a solid diagnosis, you can work with your child’s counselor, teacher, and education professional to create a learning program.

What adults with dyslexia can do?

  • Succeeding at work can be difficult for adults with dyslexia. To help achieve your goals:
  • Seek testing and instructional instructions for reading and writing, regardless of your age
Ask about additional training and suitable accommodation for your employer or educational institution.

Why REEF for child counseling?

When you think of the treatment for learning disabilities, you come across many options. This may include online counseling services. However, meeting the right person can help you to resolve your problems in a positive way. This is where the REEF mental health center in Kozhikode, intervenes. As one of the best child development centers in Calicut, the REEF is a mental health and well-being center, built on common sense, based on the same principles, and equipped with the power of wisdom, in professional ethics. The goal of the REEF is to bring effective counseling and treatment sessions, to bring you the best counseling services in Calicut.

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