

Best Marriage Counselling Centre in Calicut

Best marriage & pre marital counseling Service

Pre-marital counseling may sound like something out of the ordinary, but it is really focused on helping the couple to develop the necessary tools to approach their marriage in a healthy way by using such skills as advanced communication, active listening, and empathy. These moments of relationship counseling create space for critical discussions about values, beliefs, and the future, exposing any areas of disagreement in the relationship in order to resolve problems in the marriage. Marriage is not just a relationship between two people, but it’s a complete bonding between two families, who have different perspectives and viewpoints regarding life. And most importantly, the understanding and bonding between the two are significant.The rest of the factors are just to support the long life ahead. But, sometimes a couple may require expert advice to resolve all their doubts regarding the marriage and life ahead.This is where a marriage counselor or relationship counselor steps in. There are a number of reasons why a couple may seek professional help with their relationship. Marriage and relationship counseling can be very effective, especially if it is started sooner rather than later.
Once you have decided to try counselling, the next step is to find the best marriage counselor or couples therapy center, or online marital counseling. You may need to consult with the therapist more than one session to find the right balance. It is important that both partners feel comfortable. Luckily, The REEF wellness center, Calicut is one of the best marriage counseling centers near you that also provides the best online marriage and couples counseling.

Who all needs relationship counseling?

There are a number of reasons why a couple may want to seek a marriage counselor. While some people are at greater risk for divorce as a result of such factors as early marriage, having divorced parents, or having a low income, none of these are signs that you need relationship counseling. Instead, consider some factors that may contribute to the stress, dissatisfaction, or conflict in your relationship. Consider the following questions about yourself, your spouse, and your marriage:
  • Do you often criticize each other?
  • Is there a lot of protection in your marriage?
  • Do you often withdraw from each other?
  • Do you feel insulted or angry?
  • Do you believe your communication is bad?
  • Do you feel indifferent to your partner?
  • Do you feel that you and your partner have nothing in common?
  • Do you feel like you are growing apart from your partner?
  • Is there a pattern of infidelity, addiction, or abuse in your marriage?
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you may have a higher risk of relationship dissatisfaction and divorce. This does not mean that divorce is inevitable, but it does mean that you have to work hard to keep your relationship healthy and happy. A marriage or relationship counselor can help you with that task. It is important to remember that thinking about marriage counseling is not a sign that your relationship will end. Rather, it shows that you are committed to improving the quality of your marriage life, strengthening your communication, and drawing closer to your spouse.
Gender psychology plays a vital role in a strong and long relationship ahead. Along with other factors, marital relationships and satisfaction can also be influenced by one’s sexual orientation. An increasing rate of divorce is associated with a decrease in marital satisfaction. While going for pre-marital counseling, the couple should also be aware of the pre-matured pregnancy and its complications. Having a child is a crucial point of life and when a baby comes into your life, the entire picture changes. Now you became a complete family. Premarital counseling deals with all your doubts regarding parental care and developmental disorders that may affect the baby during the first trimesters.

Why REEF Wellness Center for marriage counseling?

REEF Wellness Center, Calicut is a growing mental health and wellness center specializing in premarital and relationship counseling, psychotherapy, and family counselling & we offer single classes, programs, online counselling, and private counseling to accommodate busy couples planning the big day. As one of the best marriage counseling centers in Kozhikode, the REEF is a mental health and well-being center, built on common sense, based on the same principles, and equipped with the power of wisdom, in professional ethics. The goal of the REEF is to provide effective counseling and treatment sessions, to give you the best counseling services in Calicut.

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